MPL assisted MedImmune UK Limited in Process Mapping a number of existing and improved production processes, commensurate with a rapid transition to a new manufacturing facility. MPL worked with the Leadership Team to help facilitate an effective evaluation of the ‘as-is’ and ‘to-be’ states through a defined and empirical value-adding mapping process.
MedImmune’s involvement with MPL arose out of our need to ensure prepared ‘readiness’ for significant growth in a new product line, balanced with a clear analysis of where opportunity exists for further optimizing fixed costs.
MPL were chosen through effective selection against other parties based on their credible ability to quickly integrate with the organisation, derive multi-perspective input and help lead empirical process evaluation, ultimately driving the data that supports and promotes the need for change. This approach was clear from day one where a mix of practical and detailed empirical analysis was clearly evident. This evaluation involved hands-on shopfloor analysis of process and key personnel interviews, coupled with detailed measurement of value-added operations.
A primary outcome of the analysis was a detailed understanding of how volume growth and deployment of staff and skills could be modelled using computer simulation. MPL were invited to work on the development of a scenario planning tool which we have used extensively to develop suitable shift/working patterns in the new plant.
A critical exercise for MedImmune and one that MPL delivered on with pronounced credibility, the value to our business is significant at the strategic level and the whole experience has been consistent with MPL being regarded as a partner for further opportunity.
Mike Austin
Senior Director Operations